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Vim prank: alias vim=’vim -y’

While going through :h vim-arguments for my Vim reference guide ebook, I came across the -y option:

Easy mode. Implied for evim and eview. Starts with 'insertmode' set and behaves like a click-and-type editor. This sources the script $VIMRUNTIME/evim.vim. Mappings are set up to work like most click-and-type editors, see evim-keys. The GUI is started when available.

It was so weird to use. Copy and paste works with Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v respectively. Text can be selected with mouse and typing new text overwrites this selected portion. Esc key doesn’t work (gasp!), so I couldn’t quit until I used the window buttons. Later I tried and found that Ctrl+o works, which would then allow you to use :q as usual.

So, if you want to prank a Vim user:

Source: Vim prank: alias vim=’vim -y’
alias vim='vim -y'


I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student and Tech Writer for My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation....

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