RPM Commands

rpm -ivh package.rpm install a rpm package
rpm -ivh –nodeps package.rpm install a rpm package ignoring dependencies requests
rpm -U package.rpm upgrade a rpm package without changing configuration files
rpm -F package.rpm upgrade a rpm package only if it is already installed
rpm -e package_name.rpm remove a rpm package
rpm -qa show all rpm packages installed on the system
rpm -qa | grep httpd show all rpm packages with the name “httpd”
rpm -qi package_name obtain information on a specific package installed
rpm -qg “System Environment/Daemons” show rpm packages of a group software
rpm -ql package_name show list of files provided by a rpm package installed
rpm -qc package_name show list of configuration files provided by a rpm package installed
rpm -q package_name –whatrequires show list of dependencies required for a rpm packet
rpm -q package_name –whatprovides show capability provided by a rpm package
rpm -q package_name –scripts show scripts started during installation / removal
rpm -q package_name –changelog show history of revisions of a rpm package
rpm -qf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf verify which rpm package belongs to a given file
rpm -qp package.rpm -l show list of files provided by a rpm package not yet installed
rpm –import /media/cdrom/RPM-GPG-KEY import public-key digital signature
rpm –checksig package.rpm verify the integrity of a rpm package
rpm -qa gpg-pubkey verify integrity of all rpm packages installed
rpm -V package_name check file size, permissions, type, owner, group, MD5 checksum and last modification
rpm -Va check all rpm packages installed on the system – use with caution
rpm -Vp package.rpm verify a rpm package not yet installed
rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio –extract –make-directories *bin* extract executable file from a rpm package
rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/`arch`/package.rpm install a package built from a rpm source
rpmbuild –rebuild package_name.src.rpm build a rpm package from a rpm source


I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student and Tech Writer for Liquidweb.com/kb. My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation....

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