Generate random password from CLI Post author:g33kadmin Post published:September 17, 2009 Post category:CLI Post comments:0 Comments Generate a random 8 character password containing a-z, A-Z and 0-9: egrep -ioam1 ‘[a-z0-9]{8}’ /dev/urandom Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window g33kadmin I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student and Tech Writer for My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation.... You Might Also Like Copy one file to multiple directories September 22, 2011 Convert HTML file into valid XML March 23, 2009 Script to daily email APF status July 26, 2009 Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.