Copy one file to multiple directories

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Had a client ask to copy a file to multiple public_html directories, came across this little bash script which worked beautifully:


add this to file, modifying the name of the file to be copied (in this case, test.php)

for file in $(find /home/* -name public_html -type d)
cp test.php ${file}

once the file is created, make it executable

chmod +x

Now, just run it as you would any other script


There is also a method provided by which works very well also.

Someone also mentioned “what if you want to remove those same files?”
The safest way would be to first run a backup of the account and then use a bash command like so;

find /home/*/public_html/ -type f -name "test.php" -exec rm -i {} \;

This will locate the test.php file in all of the public_html directories and prompt you to allow or deny the delete

[] home >> find /home/*/public_html/ -type f -name "test.php" -exec rm -i {} \;
rm: remove regular file `/home/user1/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user2/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user2/public_html/test/dir1/test.php'? n
rm: remove regular file `/home/user2/public_html/test/dir2/test.php'? n
rm: remove regular file `/home/user3/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user4/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user5/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user6/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user7/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user8/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user9/public_html/test.php'? y
rm: remove regular file `/home/user10/public_html/test.php'? y

This should work for small amounts of accounts searched. If you have a large amount of files with the same name, you may be able to use the -mtime tag to limit the search even further.


I am a g33k, Linux blogger, developer, student and Tech Writer for My passion for all things tech drives my hunt for all the coolz. I often need a vacation after I get back from vacation....