General Info

memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range


I decided to create an article about this because many people asked me why do CentOS / Redhat shows that message when you boot up the system. I did a small research and I found in a forum that is in the first page of Google answers like “you should ignore that message”. Well that is really not an error message it is a warning saying that you haven’t setup a amount of ram memory for the kdump.

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Useful tools for CTF

From I've selected useful and must-have tools for CTF games and computer security competitions. Most of this tools are often indispensable during the games (especially task-based/jeopardy CTF games). I've combined tools by…

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remote exploit in bash cve2014 6271 More detailed info:×specially-crafted-environment-variables-code-injection-attack/ Stephane Chazelas discovered a vulnerability in bash, related to how environment variables are processed: trailing code in function definitions was executed,…

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