AZ – sed Pathfinder | Devpost
Maze solving algorithm implemented in sed Source: AZ - sed Pathfinder | Devpost
Maze solving algorithm implemented in sed Source: AZ - sed Pathfinder | Devpost
A list of cli tools which will improve your kubectl life significantly. Source: Supercharge your Kubernetes setup with OhMyZSH 🚀🚀🚀 + awesome command line tools | Prasad's Pen
Bewisse Recorder - record screen and take screenshot for free. No installation! No watermark! No login necessary! Source: Bewisse Recorder
A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository. Source: git-secret
Rhasspy (pronounced RAH-SPEE) is an open source, fully offline voice assistant toolkit for many languages that works well with Home Assistant,, and Node-RED. Source: Home - Rhasspy
BusKill is a Kill Cord for your laptop implementing a Dead Man Switch using $20 in USB hardware + udev rule to trigger your laptop self-destruct if stolen. Source: Introducing…