Using hash tags to organize bash history


Using hash tags to organize bash history

We use hash tags all over the place in social networks. We use it extensively on Twitter and Instagram. Facebook recently launched support for hash tags as well.

So, in a way, our online life revolves around hash tags. Given that, it’s a really great thing for bash power users that # in shell means comment. I usually tend to type long commands and won’t bother remembering or saving them somewhere as it is in the bash history and i can retrieve it by reverse-i-search (Ctrl+R) anytime I want.

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CSF Updates


Just a heads up to you tech heads out there that CSF made a few major changes to the firewall data structure. These changes mostly affects the location of where the csf temporary IP block files are located.

The csf temporary block files ‘csf.tempban’ and ‘csf.tempip’ are now located in /var/lib/csf/

Below is the most recent change log which includes the directory structure changes for CSF:

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