Googlebot Issues
There is a known issue with Googlebot right now in which Googlebots are resetting TCP connections before the handshake completes. This causes the bot to not connect and will leave…
There is a known issue with Googlebot right now in which Googlebots are resetting TCP connections before the handshake completes. This causes the bot to not connect and will leave…
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Disclosed
Shame on us for not catching this a month ago when it was first reported, but it seems that two of the biggest caching plugins in WordPress have what we would classify a very serious vulnerability – remote code execution (RCE), a.k.a., arbitrary code execution:
For the last few months we have been tracking server level compromises that have been utilizing malicious Apache modules (Darkleech) to inject malware into websites. Some of our previous coverage is available here and here.
However, during the last few months we started to see a change on how the injections were being done. On cPanel-based servers, instead of adding modules or modifying the Apache configuration, the attackers started to replace the Apache binary (httpd) with a malicious one. This new backdoor is very sophisticated and we worked with our friends from ESET to provide this report on what we are seeing.
From Restart Apache Ubuntu service apache2 restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart apache2ctl restart CentOS /etc/init.d/httpd restart service httpd restart /sbin/service httpd restart Debian service apache2 restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart apache2ctl restart Suse…
There is a worldwide, highly-distributed WordPress attack that is ongoing. This attack is known to be using forged or spoofed IP addresses. We are actively blocking the most common attacking IP addresses across our server farm. The following steps can be used to secure (by password protection) wp-login.php for all WordPress sites in your cPanel account: