
From How do you audit your Linux environment? How do you track after changes to your files? What kind of processes are running on your system at any given…

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From Gliffy and Gliffy is an online tool that makes it easy to create, share, and collaborate on a wide range of diagrams, Gliffy users can communicate more clearly,…

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MySQL 5.5 upgrade

Reference MySQL Documentation Here

MySQL 5.5 has created a lot of hype and its not just hype, there are major performance enhancements not only in the MySQL server itself but in the newer InnoDB plugin shipped with MySQL 5.5. That’s exactly the reason why I have myself upgraded to MySQL 5.5 (The server running this blog run MySQL 5.5). Now since I haven’t come across a guide to help in upgrading to MySQL 5.5, I thought why not make one myself. So here goes nothing!


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From CLI Companion is an Terminal with an attached 'command dictionary'. The application comes with a set of commands already added to the dictionary. However CLI Companion lets you…

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