A few weeks ago a new version of RSSTail came out. After reading the RSSTail page I found out that you can use RSSTail as a plugin to a fantastic application called multitail. That is when I realized that multitail is actually written by the same person.
If you rely on tail, or have ever used tail you’ll probably enjoy this one. As the name implies it is a pager like tail except that it supports for more than one stream. Now, I know some of you have probably used some wizardry do get your favorite pager to show multiple streams, either in the same output or by using screen / splitvt but multitail really simplifies the process. It has all kinds of settings (such as color) and allows you to manage your tail’d files on the fly and even save the current view for later use. It does have a little bit of a learning curve but I think it is well worth it, especially if one of your hobbies includes log watching.