Install Java

Install directions from here and modified to fit my install: (I started in the root folder - /root ) wget mv jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin\?AuthParam\=1265088166_628f3dd35822fc3493e468ca17791e5c\&GroupName\=JSC\&FilePath\=%2FESD6%2FJSCDL%2Fjdk%2F6u18-b07%2Fjre-6u18-linux-i586.bin\&File\=jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin\&BHost\ jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin chmod a+x jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin ./jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin answer…

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IPTState is a top-like interface to your netfilter connection-tracking table. Using iptstate you interactively watch where traffic crossing your netfilter/iptables firewall is going, sort by various criteria, limit the view…

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I recently had a client that went to backup a specific account using the cpanel backup script 'pkgacct username' located in the /scripts folder. Whenever he tried to use this…

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