Delete millions of files faster


Another Benchmark

Several days ago, Keith-Winstein replied at the Quora Posts mentioned that my previous benchmark cannot be reproduced due to the time of all deletion operations lasting too long. To make it clear, those weird data might be that my computer was under heavy load in the past years that it may exist some fs errors during the previous benchmarks. Yet, I am not sure about it. Anyway, I got myself a relatively new rackable computer and did the benchmark again. This time I used /usr/bin/time that offers more detail results. Here is the new result,

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Exclude Options for Tar +

Quick thought…

You can pretty much exclude a file, folder or specific pattern when using tar:

# tar cvfp 052613tar.tar /my/path/Example.com_DIR --exclude=/my/path/Example.com_DIR/images

or tar everything in the current directory, but exclude two specific files

# tar cvpf 052613tar.tar * --exclude=index.html --exclude=myimage.png


tar cvpf 052613tar.tar * --exclude='file1' --exclude='pattern*' --exclude='file2'


p.s some tar basics…


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New W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache Vulnerability


As if on queue, almost 7 days since we released the post about the latest W3TC and WP Super Cache remote command execution vulnerability, we have started to see attacks spring up across our network.

In our post you might remember this:

< !–mfunc echo PHP_VERSION; –>< !–/mfunc–>

In this example we explained how it was a very simple approach to displaying the version of PHP on your server. There were a lot of questions following that saying, well what’s so harmful in that. Etc… With little help from us the attackers go on to show us what they can do.


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