Lightweight command-line tool for validating JSON https://github.com/p-ranav/jsonlint
Lightweight command-line tool for validating JSON https://github.com/p-ranav/jsonlint
It could be a good choice for your family or a small organization. Source: Basecamp now has a free version to help you manage personal projects - The Verge
A step by step tutorial for creating a chat application from scratch using Rails and WebSockets (ActionCable). Source: Creating a chat application from scratch using Rails and WebSockets
Introducing a complete set of Github Actions from Convox allowing you to easily to deploy to AWS, Google Cloud, or Digital Ocean Source: Deploy to Any Cloud with Github Actions
Today we announced Pulumi Crosswalk for Kubernetes, a collection of open source technologies to help developers and operators bring Kubernetes into their organizations. Source: A Year of Helping Customers Build…
The encyclopedia of databases systems from Carnegie Mellon University. Curated by @andy_pavlo Source: Database of Databases - Home
Source: Continuous Accounting: Building on an Open-Source Library - Modern Treasury Journal