mod_cloudflare and mod_cloudflare cpan

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When using Cloudflare, in order to retrieve the actual visitors IP that connect to your server, you must install mod_cloudflare. Normally when using Cloudflare, all of the IP’s that connect to your web server will come from a Cloudflare IP address. mod_cloudflare is an Apache module that forces Apache to log actual visitor IP addresses instead of cloudflare server IP’s. It can be installed on servers running cPanel, using the following commands:

cd /usr/local/src
wget --no-check-certificate
apxs -a -i -c mod_cloudflare.c
service httpd restart
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/apache_conf_distiller --update


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10 must-know Apache directives and modules

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By Jack Wallen From – April 11, 2012

Takeaway: Apache can be extended in many ways. Here are a few key directives and modules that can help you tap into its flexibility and power.

If you use the Apache Web server, you know how flexible it is. One of the reasons for this flexibility is the availability of the directives and modules in the Apache configuration file. There are a LOT of them. Although your needs will dictate which ones are most important, I decided to list those I’ve used the most over the years. These directives and modules are, in my opinion, the ones all Apache admins should know well and be able to implement to get the most flexibility and power from their Apache server.


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