Stop Using Encrypted Email
Email is unsafe and cannot be made safe. The tools we have today to encrypt email are badly flawed. Even if those flaws were fixed, email would remain unsafe. Its…
Lets Encrypt Stricter Validation
Let's Encrypt engineer... On Wednesday February 19th, 2020 we’ll turn on stricter validation requirements 1.7k in production. We’ll make multiple validation requests from different network perspectives. Most issuance should continue as normal; we believe that…
Vimulation for VS Code
Modal Editing in VS Code ModalEdit is a simple but powerful extension that adds configurable "normal" mode to VS Code. Vim made the concept of modal editing popular among developers…
Gretel: Sensitive Data Sharing
Data is valuable for helping developers and engineers to build new features and better innovate. But that data is often highly sensitive and out of reach, kept under lock and…
Faster Grepping in Vim
grep is a built-in command of Vim. By default, it will use our system’s grep command. We can overwrite it to use The Silver Searcher’s ag command instead by putting this in our ~/.vimrc Source: Faster Grepping in…